What to do while you are waiting for a roof repair

A storm hits and suddenly you have a leaky roof. As much as you would like an Orlando roof repair specialist up there as soon as possible, your contractor will have to assess the condition of the roof, figure out the repair costs, and create all the documentation you need for your insurance. This takes time,so while you’re waiting for the actual repair, there are a few things you can do to make life a little easier.

What To Do While You Are Waiting For a Roof Repair

Check Safety

Check to make sure that your family is safe and that your home is okay. You’ll want to make sure that there are no broken roof pieces sitting in your house, and that your family doesn’t have to deal with something like glass. Clear your home of debris that might be sitting around, and do a quick inspection to make sure that there’s no electrical damage within your house. If you need to, you can turn off some of the electricity and gas if you think the water has gotten that far.

Cover Leaks

You shouldn’t go up onto the roof to repair it yourself, but you can place down a tarp over the place where it’s leaking. This will prevent any further damage in your home and will prevent the leak from getting worse too. Just place some wood on top of it to make sure that it doesn’t fly away, and try to extend the edge of the tarp over the side of the roof. This prevents the water from building up and weighing down your roof.

Don’t Panic

It can be tempting to think about getting up there to repair that leak yourself, or to do more than just throw a tarp over it. But take a deep breath and wait for your roofer to arrive. The tarp will hold your home in the meantime, and if you don’t have a tarp, place a bucket underneath the hole.

Call Insurance

After you’ve stopped the problem from getting worse with a tarp, and have made sure that your family is safe, you should call your insurance provider. Let them know as soon as possible about the damage, since the faster you get someone on the phone, the faster the insurance process can get started. This is why it takes some time for your roofer to get started on repairs, since they need to make sure that you have all the documentation that you need to present to your insurance company.

Light Repairs

If the leak is really bad and has the potential to cause more damage, you might want to consider using something like roofing cement to seal holes quickly. Just make sure that you have the right tools to apply the cement, and don’t overextend yourself. Leave the roofing to the professionals, but you can do simple things like roofing cement or roofing tape as a very quick temporary fix while you wait.


It can take a little time for you to get your roof repaired after a big storm if you want the process done right. In the meantime though, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you lessen the damage on your home, and to make sure that your family stays safe until everything is properly repaired.

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Why You Should Never Attempt Roofing Repairs Yourself

Maybe you have a little leak in your roof, or you want to do something about a satellite you have up there. It might feel like an easy task, but ultimately, it’s best to leave work on your roof to a professional. Not only might you need certain tools that you just don’t have, but working on the roof can be dangerous. There are other reasons why you shouldn’t attempt your own repairs too.


To be frank, you’re not a professional roofer. You know that, and that’s okay. Even if you’re handy when it comes to other places in your home, a professional roofer will know much more than you when it comes to fixing up your roof. If you try to repair it on your own, it’s possible that you might make the problem even worse, or end up spending even more. Of course, roofers have the experience to mitigate the dangers of falling too.


When your roof is installed, there’s a warranty for it. Usually, the warranty only stays in effect as long as you have licensed roofers for any and all repairs. Even if you only replace a few shingles, you might void your warranty and have to pay the full cost for any future issues.


Let’s face it: going up on the roof is dangerous. You could fall or slip—it only takes a second. So, if you don’t handle professional roofing repair, you should stay off of the roof. Professional roofers have the ability to get on and off the roof safely, and the equipment to keep them stable when they’re climbing around to address problems.


When you do your own roof repairs, you might end up having to pay extra for any future repairs and materials. This can happen if you make the problem worse accidentally or without realizing it. You might not know the proper materials either, whereas a professional has the inside knowledge to get you the best materials for the best price. They’ll be able to help you save on energy costs as well.

Improper Repairs

You might be able to patch up your roof fine enough, but if you don’t have a professional repair your roof, you might end up making more problems for yourself in the future. You may not seal your materials well enough, leading to problems when it rains. Or you might have issues with the structural integrity of your home when smaller leaks inevitably turn into larger ones over time.


This is something small that you may not care much about, but if you don’t have professional experience, your roof likely will not look very professional if you try to repair it yourself. The tiles may not be uniform, which can be problematic if you ever want to sell your house in the future.


Handy people are some of the best people out there—repairing all sorts of small problems around the house. But when it comes to repairing your roof, that’s something that’s best left to the Orlando roof repair professionals. They’ll keep your roof sturdy, and have the knowledge and experience that you need too.

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Top Reasons Not To Delay Roof Repairs

A roof is a home’s most vital infrastructure that serves as the first line of defense against weather and other external factors. Proper maintenance is critical to ensuring your roof lasts longer. When dealing with roof issues, it’s essential not to neglect any signs of possible damage and make sure they get done immediately. Following a hurricane, it’s always a good idea to inspect your roof for any signs of damage once you notice it. If you do see any problems, you should contact a professional roofing contractor immediately to get a thorough inspection of the repairs that are needed. Timing is everything when it comes to roof repairs. Even a simple issue can potentially end up as significant damage.

Why It is Important to Address Roof Issues as Promptly as Possible

Roof maintenance can be an overwhelming hassle. The same goes true when it comes to roof repairs, and it’s not uncommon for a roof to be neglected until the problem starts to develop. In some cases, homeowners can put off repairs thinking that the issue will go away and their roof shouldn’t be given time and attention. The expenses associated with the typical roof repairs can also discourage people, which make them ignore the signs of their repairs. Unfortunately, the majority of roof issues can quickly escalate and end up too costly to repair. Here are some reasons why delaying your roof repair is not the wisest decision. (more…)

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Why You May Want To Install New Gutters Along With Your Roof

Gutters Along With Your RoofThere aren’t a lot of people who genuinely enjoy spending money on big home projects. Nonetheless, as a responsible homeowner, it’s important to understand that they are a necessity occasionally to keep your house in good condition and maintain its’ value. One of the most significant home improvements a homeowner is going to have to do is install a new roof. This home project usually brings a question that homeowners need to ask themselves. Would it just be simpler if I put in gutters at the same time I replace my roof? Roof Top Services is here to tell you when installing gutters is a good idea.

Finish Two Projects At Once

When you think about everything that goes into replacing your roof, finding a contractor, scheduling an appointment, and having to rearrange your home while all the work is being done, you can see why people would be more inclined to do things all at once. Majority of contractors can install your roof and gutters with very little or no additional labor needed.

Certainly, if your gutters are damaged or deteriorating, you should have them replaced with your roof since they will eventually need to be replaced anyway. As a homeowner, if you notice several spots in your roof where there are leaks, dents, or visible separations, then most likely you’ve seen runoff water overflowing your gutters, which is a clear sign it’s time for your gutters to be replaced. Also, if your roof was damaged due to a storm or a hurricane, then there is a good chance your gutters were damaged too.

Furthermore, many homeowners decide it’s easier for them to pay one large sum at once instead of two smaller ones at different times. This allows homeowners to have a better understanding of their household budget rather than predicting when they are going to need to do repairs next. Also, it could be easier for people to use a single source of income to pay for the replacement of their gutters and roof such as a tax refund or home equity loan when they decide to combine their home projects.

Don’t Fix a Good Thing

However, as a homeowner, if you don’t feel like your gutters need to be replaced, don’t feel like you need to just because your roofing contractor is persistent about it. A lot of roofers try to “up sell” their clients by offering gutter replacements along with your roof at an additional cost, even though your gutters are perfectly fine. In situations like this, homeowners may be paying for something they don’t need, or possibly receive gutters that were inferior to their previous ones.

Moreover, it’s crucial for homeowners to remember there’s no guarantee that the roofer will provide you with top-quality workmanship if you do decide to let them replace your gutters. Although roofing companies and contractors do gutter replacements, there’s no certainty they have the same level of skills as they do when they are installing a new roof.

Lastly, it’s a possibility that roofing companies may be limited in their types of gutter replacement services they offer. Some roofing specialists may only have one or two material types, sizes, or colors, which may not fit your house’s needs. Also, you won’t know your gutters are adequate until the next time it downpours, which could be after your warranty period.

To Replace Gutters, Or Not To Replace Gutters?

In conclusion, when you’re getting your roof replaced, it’s worth considering the option of getting your gutters replaced. Plus, having both aspects of your roof done at the same time means you only have to deal with one contractor at a time. At Roof Top Services, our roofing professionals have the knowledge and skills to handle all aspects of your roof replacement, including the proper installation of your gutters.

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Is Your Roof Healthy?

Healthy Roof

Often overlooked, your roof is one of the most integral components to your home, and without it, you are in store for monumental complications to your house. To ensure that no damages befall your home and family, it is vital to ensure that your roof is in pristine condition. A lack of roof maintenance is one of the biggest causes of roofing damage. Roof Top Services of Central Florida, Inc. is one of the best Orlando roofers, who have won multiple awards for their customer service and product knowledge.

If you are looking to make sure that your roof is healthy, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the two contributors to roof damage are weather and time. If severe weather conditions don’t cause harm to your roof, then time will, which is why homeowners need to be vigilant and knowledgeable of the vulnerable portions of the roof, as well as, being able to identify damage.

The Necessity of a Healthy Roof

If you let your roof succumb to the elements, it will continue to degrade over time as the damage becomes irreparable. Leaks can result in further erosion of your home’s structure as it can harm drywall and create electrical risks if water makes its way to your wiring. As your roof’s integrity becomes compromised, it also hurts the insulation of your home which can increase your heating and cooling costs. It is easy to fail to see the importance of your roof, but when you look at how it affects your house overall, the necessity of a good roof becomes clear.

Know the Structures

Before you can even identify problems with your roof, you need to know what it is supposed to look like when it is healthy. Familiarizing yourself with your roof and its components are crucial to keeping your roof in perfect health.

  • Drip Edges – Often made of aluminum or sometimes plastic, drip edges along the edge of the roof to reduce runoff.
  • Valleys – Channels formed when slopes in a roof meet forming a V shape which is susceptible to leaks.
  • Flashing – When your roof has angles and joints that meet in valleys, protective pieces of metal known as flashing are often placed to reinforce the creases.
  • Felt Underlayment – Beneath the layer of shingles, felt underlayment forms a protective barrier from leakage making its way through the tiles.

Types of Damage

Now that you are familiar with how the elements of your roof are supposed to function, you can adequately recognize symptoms of an unhealthy roof. If you notice any of the following telltale signs of damage on your roof, contact a professional immediately to prevent further problems.

    • Loss of Granules – Your shingles have granules on them which protect them from harsh weather. Over time you will notice the granules begin to loosen and fall off of the tiles. They often wind up in the gutters which can cause water to build up which eventually seeps into the roof.
    • Missing Flashing – After you have familiarized yourself with where your flashing is, if you see flashing missing from your roof, you are now at risk for leaks through the creases in your valleys and joints.
    • Missing Shingles – Easily identifiable, when you spot shingles missing from your roof, the felt underlayment is exposed, which makes it easier for water to make its way in.
    • Exposed Nails – As your shingles go missing, the nails beneath them can become loose and exposed. This creates an opening for water to come in through the holes that the nails were originally in.
    • Water Damage Inside – If you start to find spots of water damage in your drywall or ceiling, it is highly indicative of roof damage.
    • Drastic Change in Heating/Cooling Costs – As damage to your roof gets worse, its ability to properly insulate your home decreases. You will notice your heating and cooling costs rise substantially as your air conditioning system has to work harder to compensate.

Take no Risks

Your roof is one of the most crucial structures in your home, and you should never take it for granted. If you encounter any of these revealing signs of roof damage, act immediately and have a professional provide you with assistance.

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When You Should Replace Your Roof Instead Of Repair It?

Roofs for Troops

You may have noticed that your roof has been experiencing some wear and tear. At this point, you’re probably deciding on whether it’s time to replace your roof or do some repairs to it. Most people will hope that they can quickly fix the issue, instead of having to change out the roof completely. However, replacing your roof sometimes is the best and safest option for your household. If you’re having trouble deciding on if you should change your roof, then here are some situations that can help make your choice easier when that time comes. Roof Top Services of Central Florida, Inc. has become one of Orlando’s premier residential & commercial roofing contractor companies by making the customer experience the focus of our services.

Your Roof is Getting Old

The age of your roof is a huge factor when determining if it’s time to replace your roof. If your roof was put on fairly recently, then you shouldn’t have to worry too much about replacing everything and repairing it. On the other hand, if your roof has been up for a long time and has deteriorated into a state of no repair, then as frustrating as it would be, you would need to replace it.

An average lifespan of a roof typically lasts around 30 years, depending on the materials that were used to build it. For example, if you were to purchase asphalt shingles that are inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to repair, you might get 15 years out of them. If you decided to get clay or concrete tiles, those are a lot harder, durable and resistant to weather conditions and can last up to 30 years or more.

If you’re unsure about how old your roof is, your best option is to have a professional come out and figure your approximate age. However, if your roof has already fallen into disrepair, no matter how old it is, you’re going to have to get it replaced.

Can You See Any Damage

If you take the time to visually inspect your roof you can spot everything that is wrong is with your roof. Be sure to start outside from the curb in front of your house and look for any visible signs of if your tiles or shingles are cracking, damaging, or missing. These locations on your roof are essential indicators for weak points in the roofs ability to hold against water intrusion and probably the reason if you have seen water leaks on the inside of your home. If you see a lot of damaged areas and missing or broken materials during your visual inspection, then, unfortunately, your roof has been severely compromised and it’s time for a replacement.

What Are You Doing With Your Property

When coming to your conclusion on whether or not to replace your roof, there is one final thing you should think about. Are you planning on selling your house soon? A potential buyer coming up to your home and seeing your roof is worn and out and in bad condition can be a deal breaker for a buyer right out of the gate. Even if you have accommodated for the repairs in the pricing, a lot of people still tend to lean away from properties that need a new roof because they don’t want to deal with the replacement of it.

Investing in your roof before you sell can significantly benefit your chances of selling your home quicker and receiving a higher value on it. Properties that showcase they have installed a new roof shows potential buyers that the house was cared for and has few significant problems with it. Therefore, if you’re thinking about selling your home, consider investing in your roof whether it’s a new one or just fixing the repairs. Having a well-maintained roof can help you earn back into what you put into your roof while also increasing the house’s value.

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