Latest News – Roof Top Services Orlando Roofing Company Thu, 06 Feb 2020 11:11:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GAF Triple Excellence Award Winners Tue, 08 Aug 2017 20:09:58 +0000 GAF recently announced its 2016-2017 Triple Excellence Award Winners. We are proud to announce, that we are again among the list. The companies listed have shown an excellent service rating with 90% customers surveyed, stating they would recommend us to their fellow friends and neighbors. Thank you for this honor.


Early Roof Preperation for Hurricane Season Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:25:28 +0000

Hurricane season comes around every year, and unless you live far from water, you have a lot of things that may get damaged the next time Mr. or Mrs. Destruction comes around. As you get prepared for a hurricane, you throw as many things into your home that you can possibly think of in hopes of protecting it. After things get started and the storm has set in you know you will probably end up playing board games for the next three days. So what happens if you lose your roof? I’m sure games will certainly be the last thing on your mind. Here are a few things you can check on your roof to help fight the harsh conditions of hurricanes and what you can do to fix them if you need to.

Most homes built close to the water today have certain building codes due to the forever chance of a hurricane, especially in Florida. Looking into hurricane straps may be a good first step in preparing your roof for hurricanes. Hurricane straps come in many shapes, sizes, and gauges. They are one of the most important installations a roof needs to have it be Hurricane safe. Hence the name, Hurricane Straps. Check and make sure you have Hurricane straps inside your attic. You can find these metal fasteners on the outside edges of your home connecting the trusses to the tops of your walls. Like I said a lot of homes already have hurricane straps but people neglect to check if they were properly installed or if they have loosened over time. A small flashlight and a trip in the attic will let you know.

If your home is always in the path of one of those spiraling headaches or you’re tired of picking up shingles out of the yard, check to see if you have Hurricane rated shingles. Your shingles are the first line of defense of a hurricane and when they go it doesn’t take long for the rest to follow. This type of investment of course would be a good one at that. Not only would it help with the structural integrity of your home but is also known to lower your homeowners insurance after switching your roof top. A little research for material preference will let you know different options and prices that are available.

If you have the option of building your home, look into hip roofs. This provides a less wind resistant surface and allows the wind to pass by with less strain on the structure. If the hip roof doesn’t appeal to you, you can check in which direction the wind normally blows in your area and position the pitch of your roof to raise the wind like a wedge. This is a much better move than letting the gable of your home catch all the wind. Wind forces against your gables are most likely to cause your roof to fold over like dominoes set up in a pattern and then ultimately blow away.

A lot of things can be done to help protect your roof from hurricane damage. Most people hardly think about the structural advantages and disadvantages of their roof in a hurricane. These are only a few options to help you get started, but to better understand what you may need, contact your local professional and get their opinion. Whether you need only a few things covered or you’re starting from scratch, it’s always worth knowing.

How to know when you need a new roof Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:25:04 +0000

A roof serves to protect a home from the elements; unfortunately, however, roofs don’t last forever. Many roofs fail to last as long as they can simply because homeowners keep an “out of sight, out of mind” mindset. This eventually leads to major roof repairs. How do you know when it’s time to get a new roof?

Perform a visual inspection on a regular basis. Mark the calendar and do it on a periodic basis, and especially after each storm. You don’t have to climb onto the roof but a pair of binoculars and a scan from a short ladder is a good habit to practice. It is important to climb up there at least once a year for a closer look. Buckling, discoloration on your roof, rotting shingles, termite damage, age of your roof and interior damage, are just a few of the tell, tale signs that indicate that your roof is at risk for costly repairs.

Flashing (construction material used to prevent the passage of water around objects) at the roof line, vents and valleys need to be maintained in top shape. Galvanized metal flashing should go underneath the shingles. Common areas to look at galvanized flashing are around the edge of the roof-line and around anything that breaks the shingle surface or extends out of it (chimney, vents, skylights, etc.) Examine the flashing for dried, cracked roof cement and for metal corrosion. Flashing spots are normally the areas of a roof that may have problems or leak and are usually looked past due to the slow process of tell, tale signs of something wrong.

Check your roof for rotting shingles. Surface chipping and corrosion are common clues that something wrong with your roof. Rotting shingles contain holes or show signs of substantial deterioration. If the shingles on your roof that you can see have begun to rot, there is a high chance that the rot is occurring in areas you cannot see as well. A rotting roof should be replaced before further damage can occur. Cedar shake shingles are notorious for cracking and bowing when they’re nearing the end of their lifespan. Replace these shingles as necessary, but it’s a better idea just to get rid of them. Check the ground around the perimeter of your home for shingles or pieces of shingles that may have blown off your roof. Excessive loss of shingles may indicate a new roof is needed.

Consider the age of your roof and the cost of repairs. If your roof is more than 20 years old, the cost of repeated roof repairs can rapidly surpass the price of a new roof. In such case, opting for a new roof replacement may be the most financially sound option in the long run. You may consider replacing an aging roof even if it doesn’t show any current signs of deterioration. A new roof is an attractive feature for buyers if you plan on selling your home and increases your property value.

The usual sign of problem with your roof is sagging or uneven conditions. Your ridge line should be straight. If a swoop is seen between rafters your sheathing may be at fault. If it’s sagging on the ridge line, you may have foundation damage. Check inside the home under the sag for cracked drywall and doors that may drag. Note any sagging in any of the ceilings of your home. Sagging ceilings are sure signs of water damage caused by roof leaks. Check your attic for sagging as well. This is often the first area of the home in which water damage becomes apparent.

There are many things that you can do to maintain your roof and neglect is not one of them. The only sure way to know if you need a roof replacement is to have a professional come out and inspect it for you. A roofer can tell you whether and damage they find can be easily repaired or if a new roof is a better option. An existing roof can be tuned up for a longer life span simply by being proactive with inspections and making small repairs. Don’t find yourself spending unnecessary costs on outlandish repairs when all you need is a little TLC for your roof.

Importance of Getting a Residential Roof Warranty Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:24:11 +0000

A residential roof warranty is a formal written agreement in relation to the integrity of the residential roof and the responsibility of the roofing manufacturer to replace or repair the roof if defective. It is extremely important for all homeowners to get a roof warranty as it is one of the most important aspects of the home, and one of the most expensive if it gets damaged. However, a warranty does not provide all inclusive coverage for all problems, so it is important to understand what a residential roof warranty covers and does not cover.

If a problem occurs with the roof, such as a leak and the homeowner adheres to the terms of the warranty, the warranty will provide the necessary remedy, including fixing the leak or replacing an entire section of the roof. The objective of a residential roof warranty is to guarantee the overall quality of the roof installation and that it will provide the home with long term performance. A long term warranty will improve the total performance and quality of the roof. If there is a problem, a warranty will often dictate that an inspection occurs to locate the damage and see if it is covered under the warranty.

Because residential roof warranties do not offer blanket coverage, it is extremely important to understand the residential roof warranty. Many warranties differ depending on the manufacturer as well as the contractor. It is essential to always read over the fine print of a residential roofing warranty. The fine print will outline all coverage exclusions, which often include pounding water, natural disasters, excessive traffic, building component failure, metal work failure, and wind.

Make certain that the exclusions are specific. For example, when discussing weather or natural disasters, the warranty should state that it will not cover damage done by a hurricane and associated wind speeds that were a certain number of miles per hour or higher than a certain number of feet off the ground. Wind also needs to be specifically defined in a residential roofing warranty as well. The more specific the warranty is, the easier it is to understand what is covered.

When reading over the residential roofing warranty to understand it, individuals will also notice a number of omissions whereby the warranty will be considered null and void. If a homeowner decides to make any modifications, alterations, or repairs to their roof without notifying the manufacturer and receiving written authorization to do so, the warranty could be voided. Doing repairs with an unqualified, non licensed contractor may also lead to the cancellation of the warranty. If the homeowner does not take reasonable care of maintaining their roof, the warranty may be voided as well. One last act that is a common way to get a warranty canceled is by placing equipment, fixtures, utilities, or structures on the roof with no prior written authorization.

Residential roofing warranties contain a number of notification requirements, including the amount of time a homeowner has to notify the manufacturer of a problem. Most require maximum 30 days notification. This is to protect the manufacturer from unreported prolonged roof leaks that cause greater, more expensive damage that would have been prevented if the homeowner reported it earlier on.

When Your Roof Shingles are Going Bad Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:22:47 +0000

The most common roofing material used on a majority of residential homes in any neighborhood around the United States is asphalt shingles. They are a lot less expensive than other roofing options and very easy to install. This makes them a very popular choice for homeowners looking to redo their roof. However, on the downside, shingles have a shorter life span than most other roofing materials. Because of this, they have to be checked often, either when looking to protect the home or get it ready to put on the market. It is essential to know what to look for when inspecting roof shingles to know if the shingles are going bad. Replacement or repairs are the two viable options when it comes to bad roof shingles. Roof shingles may be interiorly or exteriorly bad, so it is important to check both.

Many times, there are signs that roof shingles are bad without having to venture to the top of the roof. Stains located along ceilings and/or attics are a good indication that there is a leak in the roof. New stains are soft to the touch, while older stains are firmer because they have existed for some time. Even though water stains may not necessarily be connected to bad roof shingles, it is advisable to monitor the location and proceed with caution. It could be a sign of a larger problem, as in the insulation is moldy and/or wet due to bad roof shingles.

A good sign that roof shingles are going bad is if the homeowner heads into the attic and can see the sun’s rays through the roof. If the sun is able to shine and get through the roof, it is a good indication that moisture is able to enter into the house through the roof as well. Elevated energy bills are another good sign of a problem with roof shingles. Insulation in the home is being made ineffective due moisture entering in through the roof. It allows cold air to enter into the home, making the heating system work much harder to keep the home warm.

Exterior signs of roof shingles going bad can be seen by a trip onto the roof. However, before proceeding to the roof, maintain caution. Walking on the roof can cause further damage to shingles if not careful. Furthermore, the right kind of protection is needed for the person on the roof, such as a hardhat and a harness. A good sign of roof shingles going bad are damaged and missing shingles. Cracking, wavy edges and curling are all signs of shingle damage. Another sign is pieces of roofing shingles located along the gutters of the home and spread along the roof’s surface. Cracking and blistering roof shingles is a primary sign that the residential roof is starting to fail and requires immediate attention. While mold and algae on the roof is not a primary indicator of bad shingles on the roof, if it is the only place where mold and algae reside along the home’s exterior, it is a probable sign of ineffective roofing insulation most likely due to roof shingles that are going bad.

Why You Should Repair your Leaky Roof Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:22:21 +0000

With the winter months approaching, numerous residential roofing companies are receiving a number of enquiries regarding repairing leaking roofs. Roof leaks should never wait until the last possible moment as they can cause devastating effects, not just to the roof of the house, but the interior and structure of the home as well. If a leak remains undetected, it can grow, causing materials surrounding the leak to begin to rot and sag. If the leak is able to gain access into the inside of the home, it can cause unhealthy mold to form. In both these scenarios, it is more expensive to fix the leak after serious damage has been caused. It is less expensive to fix a residential leaky roof right at its onset.

As just mentioned, the main reason why individuals need to repair their leaky roof as soon as a leak is noticed is that it can result in hefty charges if left alone. Think about it this way, when a person gets sick, they immediately treat it so they symptoms do not get worse. If symptoms get worse, it could mean expensive doctor visits and even more expensive medications. The same should be considered with a roof. At the first sight of a leak, homeowners need to call a professional, licensed and bonded roofing company to fix the leak. A small leak will cost mere pennies as opposed to what it will cost to replace part of the roof as well as damage done inside the home as well.

Another reason why homeowners need to repair their roof when it leaks is because persistent leaks can cause the creation of mold. Not only is mold extremely dangerous to the health and wellness of those who live inside the home, it can actually destroy the home and cause the roof to sag. Removing mold is very expensive, especially when rotted drywall, beams, window frames, studs, trusses and ceilings are all damaged due to mold. Unfortunately, many homeowner insurance companies do not pay for damage caused by mold from roof leaks. Individuals should take a good hard look at their insurance policy because most likely there is a clause limiting or even excluding payments for home-related issues caused by mold. This leaves homeowners footing the bill when they have roofing repair companies and mold removal companies coming in to complete a job to make the house a safe place to live in once again.

Do not wait for the water to leak down before taking action. If a homeowner notices discolored patches on their ceiling, take action fast before the entire frame starts to rot. The National Roofing Contractors Association recommends that homeowners have their roof inspected twice a year. One of the things they will look for are leaks. Once a leak is noticed, the roofing company will immediately repair it to ensure that all items under the roof, including floors, walls, ceilings, personal effects, and furniture, are not damaged.

You Paid How Much for Your Roof??? Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:20:30 +0000

The best service in a minimum budget is the slogan of any good Orlando Roofer. Working hard day in and day out to give you the perfect roof, the importance of an experienced Orlando Roofer cannot be neglected.

Before you start to wonder, an Orlando Roofer is a person in Orlando who either repairs or installs new roofs on residential and/or commercial properties. Just like you have a bodyguard to make sure you are safe and sound, your house also needs someone to take care of it. Just like the entrance has a watchman, the garden has a gardener, in the same way, the roof has a roofer.

Orlando is a big city with different types of houses. There are huge towers, medium-sized bungalows and small houses scattered all over the city. But one thing that is common between them is a roof and its importance. The size or the purpose of the house does not matter. Even when you are not using your house, it requires maintenance.

The doors, walls and roof all need maintenance after every few years. It is important to pay attention to all these matters. A house with a rotten door or a falling roof just does not qualify as a good house. Whenever one goes to buy a house, he or she looks at every detail. When you are the one paying, you will not compromise on anything.

A good Orlando Roofer can enhance the worth of your house for a very little sum of money. Some roofing companies are not very expensive, especially when compared to the benefits they provide. A good roofer can increase the life of your roof and provide you valuable tips upon handling it. One of the most common methods of increasing the roof’s life is the use of metal sheets. Whenever possible, you always want to strategically and safely increase the lifespan of your roof.

In this method, a metal sheet is applied on the roof that protects it from sunrays, snow and rain. This is a proven method that works. A lot of houses in Orlando have metal roofs today. Other methods include roof inspection every six months. Water and sun can do serious damage to your roof.

A roof must be checked, especially after rainy season or snow, for any signs of wear and tear. A good Orlando Roofer will check your roof for any leakage, holes or other issues. Often, micro-organisms also find shelter in your roof under small cracks and start eating the roof from the inside. This is very dangerous for the roof. It acts as a catalyst in the destruction of the roof and further deteriorates it.

A qualified roofing contractor is equipped with all the necessary knowledge and equipment required to properly check the roof. The job of a reputable Orlando Roofer also includes fully satisfying your requirements. During the repair process, you can even give your roof a complete makeover by using newer, better tiles. You can take suggestions from an established roofer on what would look good on your roof.

An Orlando Roofer is what you should resort to when you want to improve your current roofing conditions. He will not only improve your house and its worth, but also make your living experience more enjoyable. So don’t waste any more time, hire yourself the services of a good Orlando Roofer today.

Are All Roofers Shingled Alike? Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:19:55 +0000

Roofs and an Orlando Roofer go hand in hand. When you think of roofs, you automatically think of roofers. Just like you need a doctor to take care of you; your roof needs a good roofer to take care of it. It is important to hire the services of a good Orlando Roofer. Whenever you decide to construct a new roof or repair your current roof, you should contact an experienced, established roofer.

Some people find it difficult to find a good Orlando Roofer. Before doing so, it should be clear for what purpose exactly the roofer is needed. Most Orlando Roofer companies excel in both constructing a new roof and repairing an old roof, but it is better to look for someone who excels in your exact roofing requirements.

If you aren’t sure of what really you want – a new roof or a repaired roof, a roofer can help you with that too. With years of experience, it is easy for roofers to judge a roof and reach a conclusion. Some factors that may influence the decision are:

• The age of the roof
• The material used to produce the roof
• The weather conditions of the area

If the roof is very old (25 years or more), with no proper metal sheets, then the chances are increased that you will need a completely new roof. But then it cannot be taken for granted. Some old roofs are in very good condition, thanks to the owners taking good care of it. You can also consult a good Orlando Roofer to give you tips on maintaining your roof. Such tips are very helpful in enhancing the life of a roof. It will not only save you a lot of money in repairs but will also improve the overall quality of your house.

Another factor that influences the decision of an Orlando Roofer in deciding what kind of repair your roof needs is the original material used in its construction. If the material isn’t good enough then of course it would deteriorate at a faster rate. It is always important to consult a knowledgeable roofing contractor when you buy material yourself for your home. Always buy genuine materials from trusted sellers. Third-class products only result in losses.

Lastly, the weather conditions also play an important role. If you live in an area with a moderate temperature year-round then chances are that your roof would be good for a longer period of time. On the other hand, if you live in a place where there is significant rain and snow, then your roof would start depreciating at a faster rate. Similarly, too much of heat is also bad for your roof. Orlando Roofer firms suggest covering against both heat and cold to keep the roof in a solid and safe condition.

There are many advantages of using metal sheets. It not only improves the quality of the roof, as mentioned above, but also controls the whole temperature and keeps the room more stable.

You can easily hire an Orlando Roofer by searching for one online. Make sure you go for the best option available after doing a good amount of research. Many trusted roof repair companies are also offering these services. Search on Google for an Orlando Roofer and find one that best meets your needs.

When Your Roof Behaves Like Your 3-Year Old Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:19:26 +0000

From County to County and home to home, every Orlando Roofer has seen some problem-child commercial roofs. With a little tender love and care as well as our expertly trained staff, we can bring even your most difficult roofing problems back into stellar shape.


What Are Some Common Commercial Roofing Issues?

An Orlando Roofer will be able to give you an honest and expert analysis of any repairs or issues with your roof that exist. Here are some common roofing problems that plague our customers:

• Roof leaks
• Poor installation and craftsmanship
• Badly done repairs form previous “experts”
• A blow over (where a part of the roof is blown off )
• Wear and tear due to lack of maintenance
• Blistering – a problem caused by a defect in the manufacturing process of roofing materials by other companies (looks like small blisters on the shingles)
• Shrinkage – another defect where weather affects the shingles in a matter where they shrink and raise up in the process

Roof leaks are one of the most common problems an Orlando Roofer often faces in Florida. Due to the wet summer season and Mother Nature’s surprises, water leaks are a headache many of our customers have dealt with in the past.

Thankfully your Orlando Roofer utilizes only top-quality materials and craftsmanship. Our roofing materials are industry-leading for a reason. We use our own patented system of roofing materials to get the job done right.

What Makes Your Roofing Material So Special?

• Using the highest-standard metal roofing materials which can take on the extreme climate conditions in Florida
• The roofing materials come with a patented blend of colors that reflect the sun’s energy away from your home
• Lifetime guarantee
• Little maintenance is needed

Unlike any other Orlando Roofer, we tackle just about all roof repairs, whether big or small, with full confidence that it will be repaired to the best extent possible. Not only do we have the staff, but the unique and patented materials to go above and beyond our customers’ expectations.

If you have an urgent roof repair emergency we can even come and provide emergency commercial roof top services in the form of tarp repair or emergency board-up. No customer should ever have to deal with a problem-child roof, and our knowledgeable and skilled team will make sure to fix these issues for you where others have fallen short.

Another added benefit of having an Orlando Roofer repair your commercial roof problems is that with our masterful service and workmanship, all our roofs require little to no maintenance. This means a release from your problem-child roof woes and more time and money spent focusing on your business.

The patented materials our Orlando Roofer staff utilizes saves you money as these unique color blends reflect the sun’s rays, leading to cooler temperatures within your building. This reduction in temperature means less money spent on your energy bill per month, which adds up to big savings in the long run.

With all this information, it should become clear why an Orlando Roofer has an edge above the competition with high quality metal roofing materials, a lifetime guarantee and a team of expertly trained staff who will grant you the peace of mind you crave with your commercial roof repair. Let an Orlando Roofer take away your problem-child roof, call today!

Orlando Commercial Roofer Services Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:18:57 +0000

An experienced Orlando Roofer can offer a plethora of solutions for your commercial roofing issues. Often time’s companies are stressed with the hassle of having to find the best Orlando Roofer in a short amount of time because of sudden leakage or other roofing issues that result from improper installation or low quality materials applied by inexperienced professionals.

With so many options to choose from we hope that you choose a top-notch Orlando Roofer with decades of experience in the field and who are looked upon as industry leaders.

What sets us apart from the competition is the exclusive use of patented metal roofing systems that can stand up to the wear and tear of the Florida climate with ease.

Our patented system of roofing materials contain a special blend of pigments that are lighter and thus reflect more of the sunlight’s energy in the form of sun rays and heat that constantly bombard Florida commercial roofs.

This allows for our clients to experience numerous benefits in the form of energy bill reduction, increased roofing longevity and the confidence that their commercial roof will be appropriately installed by an Orlando Roofer.

Many of the most common roofing issues commercial roofs face can be avoided if the materials are installed correctly and are of high quality. Common problems such as blistering, shrinkage, leaks, and blow-offs start at the base of the chain with fabrication.

Lower-grade roofing materials are often plagued with defects due to the budget restrictions and reduced quality of the manufacturing process that produces them.

Take for example the difference between a roofing shingle that is high quality and another that is low quality. The shingle that is made of poor quality materials will often show defects and issues within the first year such as shrinking and blistering as mentioned previously.

The low grade materials are just not engineered to withstand the Florida climate and any Orlando Roofer can easily tell the difference in quality. A high quality shingle installed by an Orlando Roofer has been shown time and time again to last an entire lifetime and more with minimum if any maintenance repairs which leads to much higher satisfaction.

The price for an expertly repaired commercial roof by an Orlando Roofer using our patented roofing system materials is quite competitive. We strive to offer the best service at the best price.

If price is a sensitive issue, consider this, a patented roofing system by an Orlando Roofer has been proven to reduce your monthly energy bill. Due to the nature of the pigments and its’ efficiency in reflecting sunlight and heat, your commercial builder is better able to maintain a cooler temperature during the long Florida summers which leads to less use of your AC unit.

AC units are expensive, and by having to be used less frequently, commercial building owners have found that the AC units last longer. As any Orlando Roofer will tell you, the benefits outweigh the small increase in cost and pay off in the long run.

As a hard working and knowledgeable Orlando Roofer, we strive to provide you with the best in commercial roofing systems and repairs, and that is a guarantee! Take the time to read more about common commercial roofing issues and find out how an Orlando Roofer can help take the headache away.
